It's my goal every Monday to lace up my shoes, squeeze into my sports bra and workout attire and head out for a walk on my lunch break. I usually go walking on Monday, get too busy on Tuesday, have a long-standing lunch date on Wednesday, complain that it's too hot on Thursday and eat way too much chocolate to even justify a walk could even burn that many calories! But there are weeks that I do take my walk on more than one day and it's my plan to keep trying to make it out more than on Mondays.
One of the most interesting things about my walks is the amount of people I pass who keep their eye balls on the ground as they go by. I try to make it a point to smile and look in everyone's direction. I know in my heart that no matter who you are, everyone wants to be noticed and know that they matter (I'm sure of this because Oprah told me and she knows everything!). I walk and wonder why these people don't lift their head and greet the world as it goes by. I wonder what they are thinking and what could be so bad. I wonder if and how they are blessed and sometimes I even want to stop and ask if they are ok. Maybe I can help. Maybe I can change the world one passer-by-er at a time by asking them if they are ok and shining my pearly whites. Maybe.
If you are one of these people, please hold your head up. Hold it up high. You matter to me and no matter who or what you believe in, you are a child of God [or insert higher power here] and you must be blessed because you are breathing, alive and healthy enough to be walking by. Next time someone walks by you, please look them in the eyes and smile so bright they need shades!