Life is good. I can't complain. Well, I suppose I could, but in the grand scheme of things I really don't have much to complain about. Every day there are moments placed right in front of my face that make me realize just how huge my blessings are.
- My baby boy tells me I'm the best mommy in the world after I unleash the wrath of all mommy yelling fits on him because I needed a nap! - a blessing
- The little old lady who drives 12 miles under the 35 mph speed limit that makes me sit back and realize I don't really need to rush anywhere (especially work) - a blessing
- My husband who puts up with my belief that Michael Jackson really is alive and only rolls his eyes when I tell other people - a blessing
- My boss who is selfish enough, money-hungry enough and lonely enough to show me that money isn't really all that important after all - a blessing
Blessings are everywhere, sometimes you just have to search a little deeper to find them. My intention with this blog is to search deep and hard for my blessings in life. 36 years ago (today) I was blessed with a body and a soul, both of which I fail to nourish on a daily basis. I've failed my body in that I haven't given it the healthiest lifestyle. I've stretched it beyond recognition and I'm sure I'm causing damage to the precious parts it houses. The sadness I feel in the damage I've caused to my body does not allow my soul to feel good, thus sending my emotions into overdrive. Once my emotions start to loose control, my eating habits follow and so begins the cycle.
You see, the thing is, is that I'm fully aware of my blessings. I know how to loose weight and I know how to be good to myself. What I don't know is why I don't allow myself to be good to myself. I am my biggest blessing and so begins the journey. My journey - a blessing.
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