Free -adjective:
Able to do something at will; at liberty
I ask because suddenly I've realized just how un-free I think I am. I am NOT able to do something at will in my life because everything and everyone in my life depends on me. I work full time out of the house because my husband is an ar-tee-st and he only makes money when he has jobs. So Monday thru Friday I work for the really, I work for a very tall man...but he's another post in itself! I work so my family eats, has shelter and all the necessities (and then some) they require. I also work so we can take a vacationto Disneyworld and have annual passes to the zoo.
After I work I come home to two beautiful kids under the age of nine who literally cling on to me because they missed me. So we spend the next three hours attached at the hip as we move together through the house and pick up the days clutter, make dinner, shmooze, finish left over homework that daddy didn't get to, bath time, book time and finally, bed time.
After all that I finally sink into the brown, leather couch and dive into the World Wide Web, where I find my happy place for a brief moment. But that brief moment is cut when the ar-tee-st emerges from his man cave and shoots me the look, followed by his very thick, Persian eyebrow flutter. It's his mating call. And so I know that having sex with your partner is important to sustain a relationship (according to Oprah) and so I get up to give even more of myself.
And after all that...I sleep. Are you as exhausted as I am?
I pose the question about being free because suddenly I am looking around and I see lots of people around me being free. My dear friend lost her job late last year and picked up her entire family and moved to Sweden. Sold everything and just up and left. And now the pictures she posts on Facebook are that of a serene family at peace. My mother in law took extended leave from work and decided to take a trip to the middle east on Sunday and she's already talking about maybe staying longer. A few people of work decided to up and quit their jobs with no back up plan in site. Free - Able to do something at will.
So I pose the question again...mostly to myself...what does it mean to be free? Are all of the above people really that free? One lost her job and had to change her entire family's lives. One wasn't happy in her world and decided she needed to see another place. The people at work....well I'm not really sure what the story was there....but no plan? Who knows. Maybe they are truly free.
Maybe, somehow, being free equates to an attempt to finding happiness. Finding oneself. Being at peace or knowing you are blessed. If that's the case, then I must be phenomenally free. Maybe it is my will to provide for my family and give of myself. Maybe it is my wil
Gurrlll...if we could all just be free, this world would be a better place.